Video Newsletters Get Clicks

December 18, 2017

As an English major and avid reader, it pains me to admit it, but the written word is no longer the most effective way for corporations to communicate with their employees. A growing body of research supports what you may already have noticed: Traditional newsletters are becoming obsolete as video newsletters offer a better way to share information with your staff.

Consider the following:

·      YouTube has over a billion users — that’s almost a third of all internet users.

·      45% of people watch more than an hour of Facebook or YouTube videos per week.

·      59% of executives agree that if both text and video are available on the same topic, they are more likely to choose video.

There’s more, but you get the idea. People like watching videos, and they report getting more out of them. About 68% of all people identify as visual learners, and a recent study in the UK found that 58% of employees find video content easier to digest than written communications.

So if you’re serious about keeping your employees informed and engaged, video newsletters are the way to go. And now’s the time because currently about 45% of U.S. employees are unsatisfied with the communication they receive from their senior team. Do your team members fall into that group?

We’ve been producing video newsletters for a while and here are two important things we’ve learned:

1.    Video has amazing potential to engage employees and build corporate culture, even across continents.

2.    People love watching profiles of fellow employees. Whether it’s hearing about their first day on the job, what they do in their free time, or how they stay motivated, these stories create a powerful sense of connection.

Communication that helps your staff feel connected is crucial. Done right, video can go beyond informing employees to actually inspiring them. And who doesn’t like the sound of that?